
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ebook readers more environmentally friendly than paper books ?

Are ebook readers (such as Kindle, Sony e-reader...) more environmentally friendly than paper books ?
Apparently yes, according to a CleanTech life-cycle analysis report which indicates that, on average, the carbon emitted in the lifecycle of a Kindle is fully offset after the first year of use.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The corruption is inherent in the system : Senate votes against eliminating $ 21 billion in taxpayer handouts for BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil,and Shell

Americans, your senators are not representing your interests, but those of big oil multinationals.

A Center for American Progress Action Fund analysis found that:
Each senator who voted for Big Oil [on May 17] received on average more than four times as much [money from oil interests] as those who voted to end the subsidies.

Despite the fact that around 3/4 of the population are against such subsidies (a recent Wall Street Journal poll found that 74 percent of voters support erasing oil company tax breaks).

See full article here :

Monday, May 9, 2011

Amazon vs other online bookshops

Amazon has the advantage of being cheap and reliable, but perhaps not the most ethical of companies...
This independent Scottish book shop - - has some interesting articles too :

I also sometime use : (free UK delivery for orders over £15)
or (UK) or (US) (free worldwide delivery to over 90 countries)
or ebay for 2nd hand books.

From a sustainable development point of view, your local library is the best bet. (Plus lending to / borrowing from friends).